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Real estate marketing

Marketing for real estate, with a focus on sustainability

Real estate marketing with SUP

Attracting Registrants

Nieuw Bergen Eindhoven

  • 831K profiles reached
  • 4M ads served
  • Profiles reached an average of 4.89 times
  • CTR of 0.87%
  • 35K clicks to the website
  • Cost per registration of €7.75
  • Duration of 12 months
elements living amsterdam

Elements Living Amsterdam

  • 114K profiles reached
  • 440K ads served
  • Profiles reached an average of 3.87 times
  • CTR of 2.01% (well above the FB benchmark average)
  • 9K clicks to the website
  • Cost per registration of €3.49
  • Duration of 5 months

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